Before becoming a parent (and after) one of my greatest apprehensions was potty training. I just did not want to do it. So, as in all things about which I am apprehensive but know I need to do, I bought a book - "How to Potty Train Your Child in Just One Day." Surely, this will work I thought. The author was interviewed on Dr. Phil and her method is touted on the NickJr. network as the best one going. She must know what she's doing.
So, here's her philosophy - throw a potty party. Yes, I wrote that correctly - a potty party, complete with cake, balloons, games, videos, prizes, treats and presents. For the first part of the day the child is to work with mom (or whoever) on teaching a doll (yes, we bought the anatomically correct one:) how to use the potty. Research shows that the best way to learn something is to teach someone else the concept. The doll drinks and eats with the child all morning and then uses the "big potty." The child shows the doll how to pull down his/her pants, sit on the potty, wash hands, etc... The doll also has accidents so mom has an opportunity to reinforce the notion that accidents happen, but that it's really important to go to the bathroom in the big potty. Then, lunch is a little party for the baby doll who has successfully mastered the potty. After lunch it's the child's turn. The same treats, games, and all around encouragement take place in the afternoon, just directed at the child this time. By the end of the day family and friends should be able to celebrate successful potty training with presents.
30 pair of underwear, cookies, candy, pizza, decorations, books, games, videos and a plastic covered couch later we had an UNpotty trained little boy. At the end of our party all we had was a tired Collin and a frustrated mommy (who maintained patience and understanding the whole time - yes, I was proud of myself). While I thought Collin showed all the signs of wanting to potty train (interest, knowing when he goes, wanting to go and over the age of 2) I learned Friday he was missing the biggest sign of all - knowing BEFORE he actually goes.
So, we've put the big boy underwear in the drawer, pulled the diapers back out and we'll try again another day. In the mean time, I would still recommend the potty party method. It makes the day way more exciting for all involved and if a child is truly ready I think it's a very positive, fun approach to potty training.