While it may seem odd to be thinking of this nearly 5 months before our anniversary, it is often present in my mind due to the interesting lifestyle we have set-up for ourselves; and because I read a devotion today in regards to this very verse. Here is my adaptation of the author's thoughts (some lines are used verbatim).
It's been almost 7 years since my grand-mother stood before a crowded chapel of witnesses and read those words (Ruth 1:16), as I promised to love and honor my husband no matter what. When I made this promise, I meant it. I just didn't realize what it meant at the time. I wasn't thinking deployments, multiple careers (of mine), 7 moves in half as many years, and holidays trying to split time equally. But I would learn.
I have been learning through doing. What I promised then, I am living out now. Nearly a decade, various cities, and a child later I am learning that marriage is a committment of super glue proportions. And it's the committment that sticks even when the feelings ebb and flow. That's the beauty and courage of marriage.
Penny-pinching so you can accompany on an un-accompanied assignment. Going to family events (weddings, birthdays, graduations...) alone?
Your people will be my people.
Strange accents, foods, politics and television preferences?
Your people will be my people.
Death, divorce, and adoption?
Your people will be my people.
Trying to understand the purpose of sitting silently in the woods with a gun for an entire day?
Your people will be my people.
Because, after all, marriage is the ultimate parable, isn't it? It's the living picture of a God who looked at us in all our silly, selfish ways and then loved on us regardless, so that he could make US - His People. Amazing, crazy love. And all we have to say is, "I do."
So, now and forever, to both men in my life (God and my husband, to avoid confusion) - I DO!
(post adapted from (in)courage - http://www.incourageme.com/)
You put this so beautifully! Loving & living a life with a military guy has all those joys, frustrations, loneliness,& sorrows....but oh so worth it for that special man, even on those days when he does not seem so special. And how amazing that God should love such a sinner as I. HIs grace greater than all my sins.
Very well said!
Prayers for us all!
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