Saturday, January 23, 2010

Visit with Papa and Kaka

We had a great visit with my parents this week. They came in last Saturday and just left this morning. Collin loves his time with Papa and Kaka. He gets to go to Chuck E Cheese and play his favorite games (the ones where you can push buttons,

throw balls,

or turn a steering wheel.

I think the steering wheel infatuation may be my fault. Maybe you shouldn't put the toddler in your lap as you pull the car from the driveway into the garage. All he wants to do is drive, every time we go to get in the car. YIKES!

Collin and my parents also indulged me with some retail therapy :) The three of them entertained each other so I could shop.

To top off our shopping day we had lunch at a great, waterfront restaurant that had a fish tank. Collin loves fish. So he and Kaka spent time identifying and making up names for all of the fish in the tank.
It was a great week and we really enjoyed the time. Collin has been looking for his "papakaka" all morning. He misses them as much as I know they miss him.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

They miss Collin's Mom soooo much, too!!!