Friday, April 30, 2010

The sins of the father...or, in this case, the mother

I am not the best housekeeper in the world. I don't like to unload the dishwasher, so sometimes dishes pile up, rinsed of course, in the sink. A few times a week toys don't get picked up before bed time, and clothes aren't put in their rightful place immediately. Important mail can, every so often, make a temporary home on the kitchen counter. With all that said, I have come to realize that I do have some obsessive compulsive tendencies when it comes to cleanliness. I have learned these things through the tendencies of my own child.
We are spending some time with my parents and they have set up a play area for Collin in the backyard, complete with a sandbox. Oh boy!
When we first arrived he would not go outside without his shoes on. When he finally did, he kept saying, "oh messy," "it's dirty." I can hear my words coming back to haunt him. My child has no clue how to play in the dirt b/c everytime he has gotten dirty his mother rushes in to clean him up. Then, we caught him sweeping the ground around his sandbox. Aaahhh!!!! While, I love his tendencies for tidiness and truly hope they will stay with him throughout his years in my home, I am also convinced that all children need to play in the dirt. So, we have worked very hard at making the mess ok. Though he still enjoys sweeping the ground, he does it with sand and dirt and mud from head to toe

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