Saturday, March 29, 2014

Slumber Party!

I never feel like it happens often, but every now and then I have a great idea that leads to a "good mom" moment.  Whenever Robert is gone I try desperately to make the time pass quickly (and keep everyone distracted) by keeping us very busy doing things that aren't necessarily normal.  I'm learning that these things are as beneficial for me as they are for the kiddos.  So, in the week he's been out of town we've had two dinner dates, an evening with a babysitter (yes, I left the house), a play date and...a slumber party. 
I couldn't have imagined the excitement of a slumber party that takes place in your own home, with your sibling and mom.  When I initially suggested it, I expected a disappointed reaction from Collin who would be hoping to have a friend over for the night or hoping to go to someone else's house.  Instead, they both started squealing and making plans for our slumber party.  It couldn't have been better.  All of a sudden our leftover dinner and bath time were the best, just because it was part of the slumber party.  Even going to bed was fun!  So, with ice cream in hand we headed to my room for dessert, games and some basketball.
It was a great night, and one I'm sure they'll ask to repeat often.  I'm just glad that, for now, the best sleep over ever is at home with family.

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