Monday, November 30, 2009


I think I've posted it every-where possible, but just in case - GO GAMECOCKS!!

This year Robert and I fulfilled one of our dreams. We became University of South Carolina season ticket holders. Now, you have to be a Gamecock fan to truly appreciate this accomplishment - those of you out there, you know who you are :) Now, the seats aren't amazing, but they are lower level, which is a feat all in itself. As season ticket holders, who live out of town, we knew we wouldn't make all the games. But we did know that we would be there for the Clemson game. As every true fan knows you go in to every game with high hopes, but with the knowledge that this team can break your heart at every turn. So, while I was so excited about the game I was nervous.

The stadium was packed (first time all season), the crowd was electric and even the players were civil. Then, on the first kick-off of the game, it happened, boom, 88-yard touchdown - Clemson. Oh, it was going to be a long afternoon. But, the Gamecocks came back strong and then this amazing thing happened, they played strong the WHOLE game. They DOMINATED the WHOLE game. It was amazing. It was the team we had been hoping to see all season - where had they been? Nevermind, didn't matter - they showed up for the most important game of the season and proved that, at least for that day, they were the better team - they ARE the better team.

So, Clemson fans say all you want. Tell me about our long losing streak. Cry to me about your precious Spiller (who we held to 18 yards). Let's talk about the ACC tournament hosting two teams that BOTH lost to SEC teams last weekend. Give me your poor sport sob story about next year. Go ahead - all I've got to say is that for THIS YEAR, THE PRESENT, THIS MOMENT, WE ARE THE WINNERS!


Our holiday week took us on a whirlwind tour of the great state of South Carolina, but that's nothing new. We enjoyed time on the farm, though the weather was significantly colder than predicted when I packed our things. Fortunately, Uncle Paul got a jacket for Collin so that they could play outside. If you look closely you can see it's Elmo, one of Collin's favorite characters. Collin enjoyed learning to drive the tractor and bake cookies (he likes the rolling and patting part :). Then it was off to Sumter to see my side of the family. My grandmother is doing better, which is a huge blessing all itself. Collin enjoyed more time with her and my parents than Robert and I did. I'm guessing from how well he slept on the way home that they had a great time! Though our time with family always seems rushed and fleeting we are so blessed that we get it as often as we do. Our week gave us some much needed rest and time to "see" how truly blessed we are and how much we have to be thankful for.

Marine Corps Ball


Despite being a couple of weeks late Robert and I enjoyed the annual Marine Corps Birthday Ball. Since most of you reading this are our close friends and family you know how much we love to get dressed up. So, we made a weekend out of the event. Dressy dinner Saturday night, a relaxing day strolling around downtown New Bern Sunday and then the ball Sunday night. Everything was very well done making it the best ball I've been too, and I've been going to these for almost 10 years :) My thoughts and prayers to all of you who serve in the military or love one of those that serves in the military. Semper Fi!

"Chuck E Cheese's, where a kid can be a kid!" Or should it be where an adult can still be a kid? What compels parents to take their young children to Chuck E. Cheese (or ShowBiz Pizza, as it was when I was a child)? As Robert and I planned our evening out with Collin we both fully understood that most of the games were too old for Collin, and that he would not ever remember the trip. None the less, we loaded him up and off we were for pizza and games. It was a great evening, full of games, music and fun. However, we realized, as Robert was shooting baskets over Collin's head and I threw balls around Collin up the ski ball ramp that we had gone for us as much as we had gone for him.

Somewhere in my memory were images of me and my dad at ShowBiz Pizza, enjoying some one-on-one father/daughter time for a good report card. Skiball, Pac-Man (ooh - did I just date myself?) and some more skiball, fun I still remember today. Then, there's Robert who was quite certain he had never even been to a Chuck E Cheese or ShowBiz Pizza.

So, in the end maybe we do go for our children. While yes, we have fun as well. Maybe what we really want is to give them the opportunity for the same memories and fun we enjoyed as children.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Computer Illiterate CAN be Taught

Yes! I figured it out, and mostly on my own I might add. I have given the blog a new look and mastered (ok, not really mastered) Adobe Photoshop. I usually count myself as an intelligent person, but when it comes to computers the blond comes out strong (no offense to my blond friends :)
So, here we are revamped and excited about keeping our friends and family up to date on the comings and goings of the Wicker family. I figure if my working friends can keep up with a blog I surely should be able to find the time to keep up with one. Then again, I should be able to find time to exercise too :) One thing at a time.