Monday, November 30, 2009


Our holiday week took us on a whirlwind tour of the great state of South Carolina, but that's nothing new. We enjoyed time on the farm, though the weather was significantly colder than predicted when I packed our things. Fortunately, Uncle Paul got a jacket for Collin so that they could play outside. If you look closely you can see it's Elmo, one of Collin's favorite characters. Collin enjoyed learning to drive the tractor and bake cookies (he likes the rolling and patting part :). Then it was off to Sumter to see my side of the family. My grandmother is doing better, which is a huge blessing all itself. Collin enjoyed more time with her and my parents than Robert and I did. I'm guessing from how well he slept on the way home that they had a great time! Though our time with family always seems rushed and fleeting we are so blessed that we get it as often as we do. Our week gave us some much needed rest and time to "see" how truly blessed we are and how much we have to be thankful for.

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