Monday, September 5, 2011

First Day of Preschool

Friday was Collin's first day of 3-year-old preschool.  He was so excited to see some of his friends from last year and meet new ones.  He was all smiles and ready to go.

Usually, Collin is dropped off in a carpool line, but for the first day of school (inspite of his objections) Mom had to walk him in.  He barely had the patience to stand still for a picture.  Fortunately, he has already learned how to humor me, most of the time.

Finally it was to the classroom with his new teacher, Mrs. Segebarth (yes, he can pronounce her name).  She helped him with his bookbag.

Then, came the instructions on their morning routine.  He was shown his cubby, and told where to put his things for the day. 
And mom was out.  I didn't want to disrupt the classroom routine, and of course one of his friends from last year got to school and Collin was off to play.
He had a great first day (from what I hear) and here's hoping for a wonderful year!

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