Friday, September 28, 2012

GAMEDAY, of a different kind

It is fall, and in eastern NC that means soccer (actually, around here, any time of year means soccer).  For his 3rd season Collin takes the field as one of the Blue Devils, though there are some differences this year.  Collin is in an older age group and this has brought with it quite a few changes.  Not just a different coach and different players, but now they actually play by the rules.  What was, before, a bunch of children chasing a ball is now an organized game.  Ok, so it really isn't all that organized because we are still working with 4 and 5 year olds here, but the coaches are not allowed on the field, the players are positioned in offense and defense and there is a goalie.  Even at this age, the addition of the goalie is making it quite difficult to score, and causing Collin much frustration.  Parents and coaches are a little more intense, and Robert is doing everything in his power to keep ME from being "that" parent (Lord, help my children and my husband).
Collin is loving it, and is actually enjoying learning the rules and structure of the game.  So, if you are in need of something to do on a Saturday morning Collin would love to have you come watch him play.

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