Friday, August 3, 2012

Technologically Challenged in the Wrong Century

Yes, I am technologically challenged, and well aware that I am in the wrong century to be this unsavvy.  Robert reminds me all of the time that I am way too young to be this ignorant about computers and technology in general.
I still keep a paper agenda.  I don't even set reminders on my phone.  I have an outstanding business idea, and what's holding me back, my complete lack of computer knowledge.  If the television messes up, I just leave until Robert comes home (yes, that has happened during a deployment, and yes I have left it until he got home).  I have a blog and am trying to change the way it looks, and even using the ideas of other people with step by step instructions, and I still can't get it to work!!!  AAAHHHH!!!
All of that to say....I am struggling with the blog.  I will continue to post, but can't guarantee the aesthetics of the page.

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