Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

...and I have a little boy who NEEDS to go out and play.  The forecast isn't showing any improvement, not for two weeks.  What to do with a high-energy child who has not been outside to play in 3 days?????  Well, we did the best we could.
We braved the rain and headed toward the mall on the chance that there was some sort of play area.  I don't know why we thought there would be.  My mom had never seen one, but surely, since the mall has been completely redone in the past few years, there should be something. 
And alas, after braving the pouring rain, there it was, an indoor play area. We could hardly get a picture. Collin was bouncing off the walls, or should I say bouncing off the benches. He jumped on, climbed on, slid on, went through and over everything that was there. I think it was as much of a relief for him as it was for me.  I'm not sure how often we'll be able to do this (refer to the above mentioned forecast) before the "new" wears off, but we'll take it as long as it will work.
I will say, I think every mall should have something like this.  There was a store front called the family room.  It had a restroom, nursing room, and large play area with a television.  Just outside of that is the above play area.  This isn't just good for a rainy day,  this is good for any shopping trip.  Mom can shop for awhile and then the kiddos can play.  Everyone is happy!

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