Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Party Time

Inspite of the fact that we are currently a good ways from home, Collin still received an invitation to a birthday party.  He was very excited to be going to a party, especially when he learned he could wear his swimsuit (which meant water) and that there would be cake.  So, off to the Tangled party we went.
Collin had a great time!  There were 10 children all 4 and under...whew!!  I was tired when we left and all I did was watch them play.

It was wonderful for him to have the chance to play with some other children.  Small children are funny, it doesn't take them long to warm-up to each other and become best buds.  Every other child there had known the others since birth, and yet here they were, taking Collin in like he'd been around for years.  I so often wonder, when I watch children play, why adults can't be the same way. 

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