Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Planting with KaKa

Every time we are in town my mom has a yard project going and Collin is always excited to help.  This time they were planting new hibiscus plants around the pool.  Collin was a little apprehensive at first when my mom told him he might find a worm.  Ha!!  We had to tell him that worms were cool before he'd stick his hands in the dirt.  Then it was on.
So, I missed the show (I got to go shopping ALONE), but I am told that he was covered in dirt and mud from head to toe.  He chased two frogs around the yard until they got away.  Then, when asked to water the newly planted hibiscus he watered the plant and my mom.  Needless to say she returned fire and the fun ensued. 
The only way to top it all off, a swim in the pool.

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